JINR and HSE University Launch Systemic Collaboration
On March 29, HSE University signed a cooperation agreement with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). The agreement outlines the primary areas of cooperation between the organisations, including participation in NICA Megascience Project experiments, collaborative activities in theoretical physics and information technology, and the development of human resources through joint training initiatives. The document was signed by Nikita Anisimov, Rector of HSE University, and Grigory Trubnikov, Director of JINR.
During a meeting held at the Institute, Nikita Anisimov highlighted the numerous areas of shared interest between HSE University and JINR. 'Today, we are launching systemic cooperation between our large organisations, both driven by ambitions for development, boasting long histories and distinct cultures, and having teams that understand each other. This cooperation holds immense promise,' said the HSE Rector. He further remarked that despite its name emphasising economics (HSE stands for Higher School of Economics), the university today is a truly multidisciplinary institution, with 55,000 students and approximately 10,000 employees, many of whom are exclusively engaged in research.

'There are many aspects that we have in common. Not only can we reaffirm existing areas of cooperation, but we can also agree on much closer engagement with JINR,' according to Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector of HSE University.
'We welcome partners who bring their experts and tasks that they wish to address using our infrastructure. With this approach, fruitful collaboration is achieved, fostering synergy. We can produce remarkable results by pooling our efforts into one big endeavour,' Grigory Trubnikov stated, highlighting several key areas that hold promise for organising collaborative research.
During the visit, the delegation from HSE University toured the technical facilities of the Institute. The MPD pavilion, the superconducting magnet factory at NICA, and the Govorun supercomputer at the Laboratory of Information Technologies were the focal points of interest.

It was noted during the meeting that HSE University and JINR have longstanding connections in the field of mathematical physics. HSE researchers are already contributing to the scientific collaborations programme, participating in experiments on MPD (using the Govorun supercomputer), SPD, and BM@N at the NICA complex. The parties explored the possibility of hosting joint lectures and seminars, as well as organising Research and Development (R&D) Days at JINR for an in-depth presentation of the capacities of both the Institute and the University in this field.
Another area of collaborative activity will focus on theoretical and modern mathematical physics, as well as mathematical methods in the life sciences.
Additionally, the signed agreement places significant emphasis on the joint training of highly qualified scientific personnel, including through working meetings and schools for young scientists.