HSE’s St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod Campuses Get New Buildings
The acquisition of new venues can improve the conditions for studies and research at these campuses.

HSE to Focus on Applied Research of Human Capital
In order to research human capital, Lilia Ovcharova, a renowned scholar and expert on social policy, has been appointed Vice Rector responsible for applied human capital research at HSE. Human capital development studies are key priority for our university.

HSE Alumni Awards Held in Moscow
The annual reception for outstanding HSE alumni took place on December 7 at Saltykovy-Chertkovy House. The jury awarded alumni in six nominations.

Student Projects Collect 5,069 HSEcoins Before Taking a Break
At the beginning of the new academic year, HSE launched a new mechanism to support student projects called HSEcoin. The first phase of fundraising through this platform took place from September 13 to November 20. During this time, student projects managed to collect 5,069.14 HSEcoins, which equals more than one million roubles based on 2018 exchange rates. Below is a summary of the first phase of the HSEcoin campaign.
‘It Is Essential for University to Reach Common Understanding on Key Issues’
Valeria Kasamara, Senior Director for Government Relations, has been appointed new Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Relations, taking over the position from Igor Chirikov*. She spoke to the HSE News Service about what is special about the contemporary students, and about her plans for the new position.

Golden HSE 2018 Winners Announced
The winners are 16 staff members in seven ‘golden’ categories and 21 students in the ‘Silver Nestling’ category. The winners of the ‘Golden Citation’, which is awarded to the most cited HSE scholar, have also been announced. The awards ceremony was held on November 27, on the HSE's birthday.

‘Successful Admissions Is the Result of Daily Work over Several Years’
Academic Supervisors of HSE programmes have been awarded bonuses for activities contributing to the university’s development. Active attraction of international students to HSE has become one of the assessment criteria.
Nomination Process for Golden HSE Award Now Open
The Golden HSE is HSE’s main prize. HSE staff members nominate candidates, so the award provides the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to colleagues and show appreciation for their work. The winners are also selected by HSE staff - the Jury and the Contest Committee. Here's what you need to do if you want your colleague or student to receive this award.
Where Designers Are Made
White walls with stickers and residue from coloured tape, smoothies and vegetarian dishes at the cafeteria, and students whom it’s difficult to send home even at 11:00 p.m. – this is how third-year Fashion student Zhenya Sychev and third-year Communication Design student Inna Zozulya described the HSE School of Design in the latest edition of Open House.