CIBA 2024: Meeting of Art and Business at the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre
On March 17, the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre will hold CIBA—the conference about creative industries—for the fourth time. It is a joint project of HSE University-St Petersburg students and the New Stage. The central topic of this year is immersion in the nature of creativity and creative crises. Entry to the event is free but registration is required.

'I Aspire to Win the Nobel Prize. It Is a Goal, Not Just a Dream'
In the 9th grade, Arslan Galiullin stopped copying other students' physics homework and became fascinated by science, eventually making it his career. In this interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, he speaks about topological insulators, the potential future transition from electronics to spintronics, and his goal of winning the Nobel Prize.

New Academic Council to Be Formed at HSE University in March
On February 28, 2024, HSE University's Academic Council held the final meeting with its current members: their term of office is expiring. On March 19, HSE University will host a conference for its employees and students, at which elections will take place, and, by the end of the month, a new composition of the Academic Council will be formed for a five-year term.

'We Are Fanatics, in a Good Sense': A Graduate from HSE University Shares her Consulting Journey
Anastasia Kalugina, a graduate of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, now serves as the Director of the Digital Finance Group at Kept. With over eight years of consulting experience, having progressed from a consultant to a director role, Anastasia shares her journey and insights at a meeting withHSE Alumni. Discover how the demands for hard and soft skills may evolve as your career progresses, learn strategies to prevent burnout, and explore whether it's true that consulting always entails overwork in this feature from HSE News Service.

‘Bots Are Simply Imitators, not Artists’: How to Distinguish Artificial Intellect from a Real Author
Today, text bots like ChatGPT are doing many tasks that were originally human work. In our place, they can rewrite ‘War and Peace’ in a Shakespearean style, write a thesis on Ancient Mesopotamia, or create a Valentine’s Day card. But is there any way to identify an AI-generated text and distinguish it from works done by a human being? Can we catch out a robot? The Deputy Head of the HSE School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Professor of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science Vasilii Gromov explained the answer in his lecture ‘Catch out a Bot, or the Large-Scale Structure of Natural Intelligence’ for Znanie intellectual society.

HSE University-St Petersburg in India: ‘Powerful Impulse for Professional Growth’
Teachers and researchers from HSE University-St Petersburg took part in the 14th Global Week. This is a unique format of international academic cooperation based on one of India's leading private universities—Chitkara University. They gave lectures, master classes, seminars, and presented the results of their research and field work.

Social Connections Help Women Achieve Academic Success
Social integration has different effects on the academic achievement of women and men. Researchers from HSE University’s Institute of Education studied the connections between academic performance and social integration among 4,500 young Russians. It turned out that this connection is much stronger than it might seem at first glance, and that it is more important for women. The results of the work were published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Chemists Improve Membranes for Water Treatment and Desalination
Chemists at HSE University, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed membranes with enhanced properties. The researchers experimentally revealed the impact of various factors on the desalination process and on the selectivity of ion separation. According to the study authors, their research will enable a more precise prediction of the properties of new ion-exchange membranes used in water treatment and desalination. The study findings have been published in Desalination.

Ten Days Left to Apply for a Full Scholarship: Information for Applicants to English-Taught Master's Programmes at the Faculty of Economic Sciences
Track supervisors met with prospective students in a series of webinars where they provided insights into the programme structure, elective courses, research seminars, and specialisations. Continue reading to view the videos of the meetings and to find information on how to apply.

Neural Network Developed at HSE Campus in Perm Will Determine Root Cause of Stroke in Patients
Specialists at HSE Campus in Perm and clinicians at Perm City Clinical Hospital No. 4, have been collaborating to develop a neural network capable of determining the root cause of a stroke. This marks the world's first attempt to create such a system, the developers note.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025