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Wednesday, January 22

Illustration for news: HSE University and University of Technology Malaysia Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and University of Technology Malaysia Sign Cooperation Agreement

On May 18, 2023, HSE University and the University of Technology Malaysia signed an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation at the XIV International Economic Forum ‘Russia—Islamic World: KazanForum’. The agreement was signed by HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov and UTM Vice Chancellor Ahmad Fauzi bin Ismail.

Illustration for news: HSE Days Begin in Kazakhstan

HSE Days Begin in Kazakhstan

A series of plenary sessions, master classes, and seminars is underway in the Kazakh capital as part of the HSE Days event at the Miras international school and Astana International University. Guests of the interactive research and educational intensive will learn about the latest achievements in humanitarian science, management, and processes for building sustainable communication with partners from Eurasian countries.

Illustration for news: HSE University Leads in Four Subject Rankings of ‘Three University Missions’ Rankings

HSE University Leads in Four Subject Rankings of ‘Three University Missions’ Rankings

In 2023, HSE University took first place in the ‘Three University Missions’ subject rankings in economics, sociology, management and psychology. The university also entered the top three in terms of the number of subjects covered by the rankings.

Illustration for news: ‘Most Subjects Require Skills in Programming Languages Such as R and Python’

‘Most Subjects Require Skills in Programming Languages Such as R and Python’

Is it possible to study economics and programming at the same time, and more importantly, why is it necessary? Arina Ogurtsova is studying on HSE University’s full-time online Master’s programme in Economic Analysis while also taking the Python Developer course at Yandex Practicum. In their interview, Arina and the staff of the programmes talk about how economics and IT are inseparable and why combining disciplines is useful.

Illustration for news: HSE University Enhances Publication Activity in 6 Subjects in ‘Expert’ Ranking

HSE University Enhances Publication Activity in 6 Subjects in ‘Expert’ Ranking

The ‘Expert’ analytical centre has published its ranking of the publication activity of Russian universities for 2023. HSE University has improved its position in six subjects and two narrow sections.

Illustration for news: HSE Prep Year Students Present Their Research Papers at International Conference in Tomsk

HSE Prep Year Students Present Their Research Papers at International Conference in Tomsk

From April 25 to 27, a scientific student conference was held at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). It was attended by international graduate students and postgraduate students from 57 countries, including four students from the HSE Preparatory Year programme. The HSE News Service talked to the conference organisers and participants about their impressions of the event.

Illustration for news: HSE University and ICCA RAS Launch Russia’s First Intensive Student Workshop on Collaboration with China

HSE University and ICCA RAS Launch Russia’s First Intensive Student Workshop on Collaboration with China

In late April, the official opening ceremony of Russia’s first intensive student workshop ‘Chinese Perspective’, organised jointly by the HSE University Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs (WEIA), the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, and the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS), took place. The intensive course will allow students to explore Chinese business culture and acquire the skills to work and do business in China.

Illustration for news: Retail Consulting: Practice that Affects Experience of Millions of Consumers

Retail Consulting: Practice that Affects Experience of Millions of Consumers

In April, students from the Master's programme in Retail Management of HSE Graduate School of Business visited the office of Axenix, a company which offers effective management solutions for Russian business based on wide experience in the field of strategies, innovations and technologies. Participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the working atmosphere of the company, which is the legal successor to the Russian division of the international consulting network Accenture.

Illustration for news: ‘We Will Be Glad to See Winners of the Olympiad among Our Prospective Students’

‘We Will Be Glad to See Winners of the Olympiad among Our Prospective Students’

In early April, the final round of the engineering profile of the Moscow Pre-Professional Olympiad was held at HSE MIEM. Fifty teams (about 200 school students) from Moscow took part in the competition. As a result, 52 participants received awards.

Illustration for news: ‘The Creative Industry Teaches Us to Overcome Failures’

‘The Creative Industry Teaches Us to Overcome Failures’

On April 19, the HSE Film Institute held a press conference on the topic of ‘Achievements and New Goals’ at the HSE University building on Pokrovsky Bulvar. In addition, students of the Actor educational programme presented the results of their first year of studying.