Fuad Aleskerov: 'Decision-Making under Deep Uncertainty'
In an interview for HSE News Service, Fuad Aleskerov, Distinguished Professor of HSE University and Member of Academia Europaea, shares his insights into making decisions under deep uncertainty, highlights the crucial role of cooperation in this context, and unveils plans for the upcoming launch of a specialised course on decision-making and the establishment of a mirror laboratory at HSE University.

HSE University at EdCrunch X: Online Campus Transforms Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions
HSE University’s online campus took part in EdCrunch X, the anniversary global conference on digital technologies in education, in November. The event, under the slogan ‘Imagine a world where everyone has equal opportunities,’ brought together more than 3,000 in-person participants in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and more than 10,000 online listeners from 25 countries.

The ICEF-CInSt Conference as a Platform for International Research Networking
On November 24–25, 2023, the 12th ICEF-CInSt International Finance Conference took place in Moscow. Researchers from Russia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the USA, Canada, Italy, and the United Kingdom contributed as speakers and discussants. The organisers and participants of the conference shared their impressions of the event with the HSE News Service.

HSE University-St Petersburg Participates in FICCI International Higher Education Summit in India
'Empowering Minds, Driving Transformation: Redefining the Future of Higher Education' was the topic of the 18th Higher Education Summit held in New Delhi, the capital of India. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the Indian Ministry of Education invited a delegation from HSE University-St Petersburg to participate in the key events of the summit.
HSE University Signs Cooperation Agreement with Panamerican University in Mexico
HSE University has signed a cooperation agreement with Panamerican University (Universidad Panamericana, UP), a leading Mexican higher education institution. The document was signed at the initiative of HSE University-St Petersburg during the university's academic mission to Latin America.
HSE Online Wins Innovation Time Award for the Second Year in a Row
HSE Online has won the 'Breakthrough of the Year' category in the Innovation Time Awards. Since 2011, these awards have recognised the best projects and practices pushing forward innovation in various fields. As part of the business programme forum, HSE Online shared how to grow from producing online courses to a whole online campus in the metaverse in just 10 years.

HSE University Becomes Winner of International Eventiada Awards
Gleb Gorshenin, student of the School of Communication of the HSE Faculty of Creative Industries, was named Student of the Year. The ‘Notes of a Communicat’ adaptation guide for first-year students of the School of Communication was recognised as the best youth advertising project. And the opening of the HSE Online campus received an award for the best project for a young target audience.

Why Social Science Students Should Learn Mathematics
A number of educational programmes at HSE University combine subject training with the in-depth study of computer science and complex digital tools and services. One such undergraduate programme is Computational Social Sciences (CSS), which first-year students enrolled in Psychology, Public Administration, Political Science, or Sociology can switch to. In this interview, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Daria Prisyazhniuk and the programme’s Academic Supervisor Evgeny Sedashov explain the programme’s content and how to enrol.

‘The Future Lies with AI Technologies and HSE University Understands That’
At the AI Journey 2023 international conference in Moscow, a ranking of Russian universities that train the best AI specialists was published. HSE University entered the A+ leadership group, taking first place according to such criteria as ‘Demand for hiring graduates’, ‘Quality of educational environment’, and ‘Activities for the development of school education’. Ivan Arzhantsev, Dean of HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, spoke to the HSE News Service about how AI specialists are trained at HSE University and what plans the university has in this area.

‘Every Article on NeurIPS Is Considered a Significant Result’
Staff members of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will present 12 of their works at the 37th Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), one of the most significant events in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This year it will be held on December 10–16 in New Orleans (USA).
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025